A few years ago, I made a bean bag compress for my grandmother to help soothe her aches and pains and warm her up on a cold day. When I visited her over the holidays, I noticed she is still using the bag but it has seen better days. When I got home, I made her a new one. And while I was at it, I made myself one.
The process is easy. All you need is:
Two 12-inch squares of sturdy fabric
2 pounds of dry beans
1 pound of dry rice
2 Tbsp of herbs such as thyme, mint, cloves, lavender, etc. (you can substitute 25 drops of essential oil)

With right sides together, stitch three sides of the square to form a pocket. Turn right side out. Mix the beans, rice, and herbs in a large bowl. Scoop the mixture into the bag and sew the fourth side shut. Heat the bag in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes and use to bring comfort to the body. The herbs make a lovely fragrance!