Okay, I admit that I let my husband plant enough corn seed in a 10x5-foot plot to plant an entire acre, and that's why we only had about ten scraggly ears of corn. (He said he was going to thin in out but he didn't.) But, the green beans had no reason not to bear fruit. The vines were healthy, they were kept watered, they had plenty of blossoms, but we got only enough beans from a dozen or more plants to cook one time for two people--not even enough to fill a can of Del Monte.
As you know, the watermelons were miniatures or watermelon-wanna-bes, the stevia died, the dill plant rotted, and the cilantro refused to grow leaves (rather funny looking). Even the parsley gave me sad face look whenever I went out to check on it.
We get the fail whale on our gardening efforts this year. Go figure.
We do have lemon balm, echinacea, mint, bee balm, and enough oregano to stock a chain of Italian restaurants. Guess what everyone is getting for Christmas this year . . .