Sunday, September 18, 2011

Update on Watermelon in Planters

The eleven watermelons that the six plants bore were very small, but they would have tasted fine if I had harvested them sooner. I let them stay on the vine too long hoping they would get to at least the size of a football. Nope. They are softball size as you can see in the photo below.

This smaller variety is like having a mini or personal watermelon that you can put in your lunch box. Aren't they cute? Don't let the USDA hear about this or the government will pay farmers to mass produce (or not) genetically modified mini watermelons for this purpose.

I think that if we had only put two plants per pot (at most three) they would have produced larger fruit. And, I'm sure the fact that I forgot to water them before the vines wilted several times didn't help production either. I finally put some mulch in the pot to cover the dirt so the moisture was retained for more than 24 hours. That helped. Wish I had thought of it sooner in the season. I saved the seeds, wondering if they will produce full-size fruit or watermelon-wanna-bes next year.

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