Monday, March 19, 2012

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening

This year we decided to fore-go the straw bale garden and put in something more permanent. Raised beds was our choice. Once we get them built and the dirt purchased, the major expense will be out of the way and these can be reused year after year. We plan to save our seeds so we won't have to purchase them again next year. In fact, much of what we will plant in April (when we can count on the weather to stay warm) will be the seeds we harvested from last year's crop.

So far, we have planted lettuce, spinach, turnip, mustard, and mesculun (mixed baby greens for salads). We plan to create a second box like this one and put it on the left behind where Randy is standing. There will be a mulched path between them so we can access all sides of the garden boxes.

LATER: April 4, 2012 progress

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Fairy Nice Resort

I got this idea from someone on Pinterest and had to make my own. I had a clay flower pot that was cracked so I tapped it with a hammer and chisel to create a larger surface for fairy "real estate." The glass "rocks" came from Dollar Tree store. Since it is early in the spring season, Home Depot had a limited choice of outdoor plants. I got a pansy to drape over the front of the cracked pot, a strawberry to trail off the back, hens and chicks for shrubbery, and aloe plants for trees. By the way, these are all safe if ingested, which is a great thing since my grandsons will probably find this creation irresistible.

Here it is from the side view.I brought it inside because the overnight temperatures are still in the 50s. The aloe plant would appreciate a warmer climate so I'll have to move it in each night until the weather stays warm at night. I don't mind; I get to see it more often! And, it makes a nice centerpiece for the dining table.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Crochet Project

Here are some of the items I crocheted as gifts for St. Patrick's Day. These can be used to sit hot pans on and they look nice as a decorative mat underneath a candle or other centerpiece.

The smaller Shamrock in the middle is detachable

You can add candy, tea bags, or other goodies and draw the string to close the shamrock like a bag.

Trivets or doilies